WordPress用ブログエディタ『Blogo』が半額の1500円、Tumblr と Blogger にも対応予定

| 2014年10月18日 | 0 Comments


現在は、WordPress専用のブログエディタですが、Tumblr と Blogger にも対応予定だそうです。

Evernote とも連携していて下書きを Evernote に残すようです。Evernote で編集した内容は Blogo に反映去るんですね。





Mac App Store

Blogo (Version 2.0.4) App
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化
価格: ¥1,500 (最新価格はStoreで確認してください)
リリース日: 2014/08/14
現Ver.の平均評価: (2 / 3件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (2.5 / 6件の評価)
◎◎ Celebrating our new app and to all Beta and Blogo 1 users, Blogo will be 50% for a limited time! ◎◎

Blogging made easy, again. Blogo is the easiest and fastest way to write, publish and manage multiple blogs.

Blogo supports WordPress.com blogs and self hosted WordPress 3.4+

” Blogging is easier with Blogo’s desktop app. A must have for bloggers! ” – Hiten Shah, KISSMetrics

” Blogo’s ability to manage multiple blogs inspired me to revive sites I was too busy to write for. ” – Alan Henry, Lifehacker

” I travel a lot, so the ability to work offline is essential! ” – Jerod Morris, Copyblogger

Blogo gathered features for a powerful solution and helps users to publish and create content easily. It makes it possible to manage multiple blogs at the same time, edit pictures with a built-in image editor, preview your posts on real-time, manage comments, and work without wifi connection using the offline mode.

We help bloggers to achieve their best performance. You will love it.

From power bloggers looking for productivity, to hobbyists looking for an intuitive and focused interface, our app surprises by it’s simplicity but powerful productive workflow.


• Offline mode Blogo’s offline mode allows you to write even when you’re not connected to the internet. All the content you’re creating while offline will be saved so you can publish as soon as you get back online.

• Image editor Get visual and easily add images to your post. Even better, edit them using our built-in editor. You can crop, adjust and apply filters to them.

• Live preview Blogo smartly recognizes your theme and live preview will always show exactly how your post will look before you publish it.

• Smart sync with Evernote Access your drafts from anywhere. Blogo brings you a perfect integration with Evernote so you can easily manage, organize and check out your ideas and publish them anytime.


• We want to hear from you Our team wants to build the best blog editor ever created and will do it better with your feedbacks. Please, get in touch personnaly with us at support@getblogo.com, @getblogo on Twitter and Facebook.com/getblogo! Or visit http://support.getblogo.com for more information.

• Stay tuned with our community Our blog is the best place to keep in touch with our community and the development team behind Blogo. Check it out at blog.getblogo.com and engage with Gisele, our fantastic community manager! :grinning:

• Missing Live Writer? Just switched from Windows and missing Live Writer? Don’t worry, you are safe. Blogo is the new home for thousands of users like you.

• Compatibility Blogo is compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 and all major releases up to and including 10.9 “Mavericks”. Blogo supports WordPress.com blogs and self hosted WordPress 3.4+. (Tumblr, Blogspot, Squarespace support will be added soon.)



MarsEdit – the blog editor for WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and more. (Version 3.6.5) App
カテゴリ: ソーシャルネットワーキング
価格: ¥4,000 (最新価格はStoreで確認してください)
リリース日: 2010/12/16
現Ver.の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (4 / 10件の評価)
The #1 Desktop Blog Editor for the Mac! The best way to write, preview, and publish your blog.

– Works with WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squarespace 5, TypePad, Movable Type and dozens more through standard MetaWeblog and AtomPub interfaces.

– Work offline with local drafts on your Mac, preview the formatting and content of your posts, and publish when you’re ready to share with the world.

– Easily browse for a photo from your iPhoto, Aperture, or Lightroom libraries, and embed it for automatic upload with your blog post.

– Avoid common browser-based problems like losing your edits by navigating to another page, poor spelling for lack of a spell checker, etc.

– Perfect for professional bloggers and casual writers who don’t want to mess around with clunky web-based interfaces. If you’re lucky enough to have a Mac, nothing is more powerful or more elegant than MarsEdit.

– Write in Rich Text “WYSIWYG” that will be converted automatically to HTML when you publish, or hand-tune the HTML in a syntax-highlighted code editor. Markdown fan? Write in Markdown in the HTML editor and see a live-preview of the HTML rendering in the preview window.

– Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 and all major releases up to and including 10.9 “Mavericks”.

Coming to the Mac from Windows? MarsEdit is similar to Live Writer, the popular Windows blog editor, but differs in some ways. Ask around and read MarsEdit reviews to decide if MarsEdit is right for you.


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Category: Mac App Store, テキスト, テキストエディタ

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